Monday, August 3, 2015

Be Dauntless.

I've had a lot of time lately to reflect and think through my recent decision. Traveling alone. As you've seen in previous posts, it's definitely on my mind, and has been 24/7 for quite some time. I'm not saying that it's all I think about, I've got all kinds of thoughts going through my head. I just have realized that it's an experience I hope to have...and if it goes well, I most likely will travel again on my own (as you've also seen in previous posts.)

Why do you want to travel alone Jenn?

That's the question I've been processing and analyzing for a couple of weeks. My parents are definitely nervous of my future endeavor, because they think I'm “too trusting” or “too naive.” Yes, granted...I am a very trusting person, but I'm not an idiot. I know to “not talk to strangers...” like I'm five years old or something. If I need help while abroad, I'll ask other women or families or go into shops and places where clearly I'm not alone. I think my parents don't realize how helping people truly are. Of course things can happen, but I am of the right mind to not put myself into any kind of danger. I'm a strong independent person (as stated in previous posts as well), and I know that I want to do this.

Now, back to the question at hand: why do I want to travel alone? This is actually really simple. I'm not traveling to “find myself” or “to find enlightenment,” although those reasons would be bonuses...but I'm traveling, because I want to. I want to see the world that God created, and for one who has always loved's something I'm craving. I love thrills and I'll try everything at least once; whether it be sky diving, hot air ballooning, or rock climbing (yes I've done all those...), I just want to live the best life possible.

Part of why I would love to travel on my own is to prove not only to myself, but to my parents that I can do it and that I'm perfectly capable of traveling on my own. I love my parents I do, but like many other people (and especially women) out there...we're seen, I feel like, in ways...differently than men. I'm sure if I was a dude, my parents would not care if I traveled alone, but because I'm a lady...and my parents only child, they're very skeptical. Not that they don't support parents always do support me...I just, feel like this is slightly tougher for them to “be okay” with.

I'm also one who needs many perspectives, and I applaud my dear friends and other loved ones who have listened to me time and time again over the last few weeks as I discuss and analyze the new adventure idea. They have been so patient with me, as I ranted and vented about the feelings of my parents and what I've been facing... I thank them for their ears and their words of wisdom...advice and support. It's truly a blessing to have such amazing people in my life to talk to. I can talk to my parents too, of course! Just...sometimes, it's nice to have a friend to talk to instead. Thank you Kayla, Jackie, and Andrew for being such amazing souls in my life.

As this process has gone on, and the planning of this epic trip still being worked out, I've discovered that, at 27-years-old, I'm not the only one who is realizing all that they're capable of doing. Some of my other friends are also having these “epiphany moments,” and it's fantastic. WE are strong, powerful women, and the world needs to know it!

I have known for years that I'm a “heart person.” – “9 Things To Know About People Who 'Think' With Their Heart”

This is why I do what I do, and seek the advice I seek. I work through every decision (although slow) until I am 100%, for sure, absolutely positive it's the right decision. I work through all my crazy ideas until my heart and mind agree. Only when my heart and mind agree do I know it's right. So...why do you want to travel alone Jenn? ( this question rings in my head...) Answer: My heart and mind agree that it's an adventure I can't miss. Simple, honest, and 100% true.

I hope you know that no matter the opposition you may be face, you're 100% capable of doing whatever you want to do. Do not ever let society, a significant other, parents, friends, or the random weirdo tell you otherwise. YOU ARE STRONG!! YOU ARE AMAZING!! YOU CAN DO IT ALL!! – Be dauntless.

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