Composers. They are the great minds that form such music as Beethoven's Seventh Symphony. They are not always "prodegies." Everyone, can be a composer, they just need to be inspired to want to do something great.
Roger Sessions, wrote an article on THE COMPOSER AND HIS MESSAGE. It was really interesting. He says the essence of musical expression is EMOTION. "Emotion is specific, individual and conscious; music goes deeper then this, to the energies which animate our psychic life, and out of these creates a pattern which has an existence, laws, and human significance of it's own." This is a good point. Emotion is so deep and complicated in itself, that if we as people are aware of ourselves, and what we feel, then it's easily expressed.
He also says, "It must not be forgotten that, for the composer, notes, chords, melodic intervals - all the musical materials - are far more real, far more expressive, than words..." I relate to this. I believe it's true. Composers, create the music. If you watch a movie, there are composers who create music to go along with the actions of the actors on the screen. They are creating the music to enhance the movements and the characters themselves. Words are words, they mean a lot, that is true, however, at the same time, if there was not music, the words are just words. With music, the words are brought to life. They are given emotion, that which is so important to music and to composers.
"The composer, one must first think of him as living in a world of sounds, which in response to his creative impulse become animated with movement." Movement is also very important when composing. The movement of the music that is provoked by the sounds of the emotion, will express whether or not the song is up beat, steady, sad, happy, scary. Everything that is created will have a movement to it. How else do audience members, say they "connected" so well with a particular song or play or movie? They connect to the circumstances of the characters, actors, or in some cases, the way the music is presented. :)
INSPIRATION, is also important. Without inspiration, how is something truly created? "The inspiration may come in a flash, or as sometimes happens, it may grow and develop gradually." That is true...I playwright, and sometimes, my ideas hit me like a lightning bolt, at other times...they gradually lay quiet and gather in my journal, until at last they all fall into place as something that I can write about. "Inspiration, then, is the impulse which sets creating in movement: is is also the energy which keeps it going." EVERYTHING ties in together. Inspiration is the STYLE!
After a composer finds his or her emotion, inspiration, movement...after inspiration and conception comes EXECUTION. Putting it all together, into the grand masterpiece that is truly is, and truly will become.
MUSIC is so important to me...I can't go a day without my music. I listen to it all. Music helps me get through my day...I don't dwell on things, I am able to relax and stay focused. Music helps me forget my troubles. I find myself content and continuously happy, due to my music. I LOVE MUSIC!!!
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