Education is a component to life. Children are put into school at young ages, and are expected to be in school until they are at least 22 years old. I think back on my schooling, and it's been 19 years already. I was put into pre-school at age 2, and now I'm 21, and in college. It's insane how much our society puts on us as America to get an education.
I see that it is important. I mean, with out a solid education what kind of job are you going to be able to get? At least...that is the thoughts of most parents today. I read this article about the uses of liberal education; like what education is seen as, and then how people who may not be able to afford much survive.
In the classroom, a teacher has a lot of responsibilities. They have to teach a classroom of students information that is one: needed for the class, two: possibly needed for a career path, and three: they are possibly teaching a skill that is meant to progress the lives of the individuals. A teacher has a tough job, because they have to keep the students drawn in to the discussion in hopes that the student will learn something and not want to let the droll collect on their desk, because they've fallen asleep. I know...being a student is hard too. You've got to place aside all the trials and tribulations that you are experiencing in your life, long enough to get something out of the class. It's important for us as students to do well in classes, because we may need a good grade in this particular class so that we may be able to get into a program: nursing or teaching, etc.
The article I read mentioned different types of students. The person who wrote is says, "Whether the students are sorority/fraternity types, grunge aficionados, piercer/tattooers, black or white, rich or middle class....On good days they display a light, appealing glow; on bad days, shuffling disgruntlement. But there's little fire, little passion to be found." I think that this is saying that no matter the generation, race, or society class...all students are going to have good and bad days in class. Days where it's like just amazing, and everyone got everything and days where it's like pulling teeth. As I continued to read the article it asks what influences students to lose passion, and the answer? They blame it on the 100 plus channels that are on the TV today. They blame it on the numerous Blockbuster outlets, shopping centers, etc. Thinking about that, I see that those are very plausible reasons. I know that if I have a day, where I am just no enthusiastic to HAVE to go to class, I'm tired all day, and all I want to do is sleep, watch TV, eat junk food, and be lazy.
The author then talks about when he goes to other schools, it not any different then his own school. He runs into the same things. "When I visit other schools to lecture, I see a similar scene unfolding. There are of course, terrific students everywhere. And they're all the better for the way they've had to strive against the existing conformity." AND that is completely true. One, yes of course, you'll find the same things at the different schools, but in a way education is a mandatory act that everyone has to do. As much as we as a society try not to conform to the societal means...there's never a way to escape it. It's always going to be there following you. "But overall, the students strike me as being sweet and sad, hovering in a nearly suspended animation." WE as students are suspended in air until we achieve what is needed of us.
There is always a question asked: What about those who can't afford an education? It's the people who are "poor" or "jobless" even "homeless." YES, there are ways of figuring things out, and you're able to somehow get an education, but poverty in America is also an important issue. Sometimes, there are children in at risk families...and these are the children who will be lucky if they even finish high school. Where I am from, about 25 minutes from my house is another city. This city is where I go to church, and where I have gone to church my whole life. This city is also where, there is a high level of high risk families. It may be that a parent is in jail or a family has enough money to place their children in day care to make sure they are safe, but not enough money to provide Christmas presents or a solid home, because they may not have the money to pay the bills. With today's economic's easy to see what our communities can come to.
In the second part of the article, to me, i saw that the author was reaching out to the at risk communities and were trying to get them to see that they want to strive for a different life. "You've been cheated. Rich people learn the humanities; you didn't. The humanities are a foundation for getting along in the world, for thinking, for learning to reflect on the world instead of just reacting to whatever force is turned against you. I think the humanities are one of the ways to become political, and I don't mean political in the sense of voting in an election but in the broad sense." THIS quote explains that the author feels that without a good education in certain standards, that people are unable to fully know how to live a good life. Someone may be to scared to speak their mind, but if they are educated then they will be able to speak their mind and be able to live a prosperous life. "If you want real power, legitimate power, the kind that comes from the people and belongs to the people, you must understand politics. The humanities will help." THIS IS SO TRUE, plain and simple. Basically, this articles shows that anyone and everyone can get an education, and with that education they will succeed. The person just has to want it.
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