Saturday, February 21, 2009
My Creative Style <3 ~Composition of Movement
I agree. I love dance, and I myself have danced since I was three and a half years old. I love how dance is so passionate, expressive, and powerful. There are so many different styles too, which I absolutely love seeing. I am in History of Theatre Two, and last semester, we learned about all the countries and theatre in those countries. Well, Africa, was one of the most interesting to me. Their style of dance, is so different, but it was their way of passing on the culture and history of their heritage.
Mary Wigman, also says, "Neitehr is my dancing abstact, in intention at any rate, for its origin is not in the mind. If there is an abstract effect it is incidental. On the other hand my purpose is not to "interpret" the emotions. Grief, joy, fear, are terms too fixed and static to describe the sources of my work." This is interesting. I feel like FOR ME, I'm the opposite. I very much dance the emotions and interpret through music how I feel. I dance how I feel. Yes, my dance isn't abstract either, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to dance abstractly. I think it's fun, to just dance different...using Modern dance or hip-hop, even jazz and ballet, tap! Dance is dance, it's an expressive form of movement.
I have studied a little of the LABAN system. It's so interesting...I worked on this show called, "4.48 Psychosis" and it was all about using repetative motions to express oneself. It's kind of abstract, at least the way I did it. It's a fun system or style to play around and experience with.
Mary also says, "Creative work will always assume new and varying forms." That is very true!!! Creative work is never a right or wrong way to a process of something. It's always changing, and morphing into something else. That's what I really enjoy. When I worked on 4.48 Psychosis, it was a total experience. WE were working with such an intense, abstract script! It was the suicide note of the playwright Sara Kane who wrote it. It was insane, and such a great experience; although hard and very dramatic, I learned a lot, and my composition of movement improved too! In the script, there were scenes where I HAD to come up with my own dance or movements to express the scene at hand. It always changed, I kept things I liked, and tossed things I didn't like. It was a process, but it was always changing.
It was a great experience...working on that show. I find that I'm more expressive now, and I am less scared to attempt to form my own dance piece. It's just great. :)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Collage and the Abstractiveness of IT!!!
In everyday life, I take a lot of photos. I photograph everything! I do Creative Memories Scrap Booking with my mom, on a normal basis. It's our Mother Daughter time, to spend together. I started scrap booking at the age of nine. I am 21 years old, and am working on book number 24. Granted...a lot of those books are like 7x7 size, but I scrap book everything of importance to me. That's why when in my Creativity in the Arts class, when we were asked to make a collage, I found it amazingly fun. I love being creative, and collages are just another way of doing just that.
This is my original collage. My favorite female artist is Natasha Bedingfield. I love itunes, I go to UNC. My favorite Vitamin Water is the "Balance" flavor. I love what it says on the tag...more then anything. It's funny. I just love being creative, and I'm a total girlie girl. I have fortunes scattered around, because they were the ones that meant the most to me. One like, "Good things will come to you in due time" or "Courage lies with in each of us." I also am an actor, so I have a ticket of a show that my High School did. I also am an Aquarius. So...I've got some things on there that represent that. I also took this personality test of which Disney Princess I am, and I am Jasmine. That's why she's on there too. This collage, is totally me, in real life. I live to be happy!!! My friend Kayla Berkey, says, "Life is to short to not be lived happy." And...I have to agree. :)

This is a portion of my collage that I made abstract. It's supposed to be vertical with the UNC on the left, but I don't know how to rotate it, in, that's okay. It just adds more to it. Anyway, I like this abstract image of my collage, because it's more bold and crazy! The letters of the words and praises are enhanced more, but at the same time, you have to really LOOK to see, the praise "THE LOOK." I think that this is a fun enhancement of my collage in the sense that it's blends what is there, with what should be there. You have to see it, and pay attention to what's like...infront of you. It's interesting like that. I just think it's really neat to see.

This is the other abstraction I have of my collage. I like this one a lot too, because it's the complete oposite of the one before it. This one is more subtle, and relaxed. It's less crazy. The colors are more dry, I almost want to say. I like both abstractions equally, but this one is almost more of a favorite of mine. JUST because, in general, I'm partial to pastels more then I am bold colors, and this one makes me think of pastels. I also like how this one looks more ventage. I love things that look old and tattered, and this almost looks like it's just been distressed. I love how certain things are more enhanced then others. It's just really neat to look at.
I could have played around on the editing program all day. But...of course we only had a little bit of time, a full class hour, and so...this was all I got done. :) It's still pretty cool, and I still really like it. I hope you do too!!! AND I hope that now you go out and make a collage of your own!!! :)
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Creative Process
"The picture is not thought out and determined beforehand, rather while it is being made it follows the mobility of thought. Finished, it changes further, according to the condition of him who looks at it. A picture lives its life like a living creature, undergoing the changes that daily life imposes upon us. That is natural, since a picture lives only through him who looks at it."
This quote is in, CONVERSATIONS WITH PICASSO by Christian Zervos. I really liked this excerpt, because it expresses that art is not planned. Sometimes you never know what will spark the interest or inspiration to create the painting that will soon be a masterpiece. A painting, is just something that appears out of the spur of the moment. A paining expresses something, just like every living organism in our society strives to express something. I liked this quote, because I agree with it completely 100%. Yes, the artist has his own thought of what the paining is supposed to represent, but just like a play being performed, each audience member either gets a completely different message...or the entire audience gets reletively the same message. That's how it is with paintings.
"The artist is a receptacle of emotions come from no matter where: from the sky, the earth, a piece of paper, a passing figure, a cobweb. This is why one must not discriminate between things. There is no rank among them. One must take one's good where one finds it, except in one's own works. I have a horror of copying myself, but I have no hesitation, when I am shown for example a portfolio of old drawings, in taking from them whatever I want."
This quote also stuck out to me from the same reading. It is saying that we as human beings gain emotions from everything around us. It is up to us not to rank them into what is the best idea or not the best idea. We are supposed to take what's good from what we find and then use that in our works of art. Picasso also goes on to say in this article that he has no hesitation to take ideas from old drawings. Those were his old ideas, and even though they may not have worked at the time, they work now, and there's always going to be a moment where something you thought would never work out...always does. It's just so interesting. That's why I, as an actor carries around a little journal all the time. If I see something that strikes me...I will write it down. You never know when it's that little piece of information that influences a character you're acting or a play you're writing.
"A picture lives with the life you put into it. If you put no life into it - no thrill, no concentration of delight or exaltation of visual discovery - then the picture is dead, like so many canvases, no matter how much thorough and scientific work is put into it."
This is so true!!! This quote was said by D.H. Lawrence on MAKING PICTURES. I believe this to be true too. When something is being created, it is being brought to life. Just like I think that DANCE IS MUSIC MADE VISIBLE. Painting a picture is bring life to something. :)
ONE line in this article that stood out to me was, "The conscious delight is certainly stronger in paint." I think this is well put. When a we dream as humans, it's techniquely our conscious selves that shoot snap shots of pictures in our minds during REM sleep. Our brain then takes those snap shots and fills in the blanks to give us what we know as a "dream." It's our consciousness that truly wants to be seen. It's the other side of us waiting to jump out!! I strongly feel that this quote is true. He then goes on to say, "I believe many people have, in their consciousness, living images that woudl give them the greatest joy to bring out. But they don't know how to go about it. And teaching only hinders them." DID I just say that we as humans have another side to us wating to jump out?! haha...he said the same thing. However, I don't agree fully, with "teaching only hinders them." I think that this can be a yes true, and a no false statement. I believe that there are people who can teach you and enhance your ability in your own creative process. That goes both ways.
Everyone has their own creative process, and they are all simular, we just need to find what works for us. :)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Art in Education
Now-a-days, things are different. It's so hard to get kids interested in the arts, when TV is so dominant; as well as video games. I used to baby-sit when I was in high school, and all the kids wanted to do was play video games or watch TV. I think that being exposed to the arts is very important. TODAY, in schools, what is the first thing to go when budget cuts happen??? THE ARTS!!! Music, band, drama, art...everything! GOES! I can't explain how upset that makes me. I went to middle school at Deer Creek Middle School. When I was there, I was involved in Drama, Choir. I was also in Honors Choir and the school shows (one). It was such a great experience to be able to have. NOW, that same school, HAS NOTHING! It's upsetting, my high school teacher goes over to Deer Creek and has an after school "club" that is Choir. Even that though, is on her own time...and does not have much interest. BECAUSE, the arts are out of some schools, students have no extracurricular activity to be involved in, and consequently...could possibly fall into the "wrong" crowd.
Growing up, I was involved in Girl Scouts. I started in Kindergarten as a Daisy Scout, and I went into Brownies, then Juniors, then Cadets, and then finally Senior Girl Scouts. I went through it all. I received my Silver Award (WHICH they now have a Bronze Award for Juniors) and my GOLD AWARD!!! WHICH ONLY 4% of all Girl Scouts ever receive. The Gold Award is the Eagle Scout Award for Boy Scouts, but can be thought as harder to get...the Gold Award, because we have a VERY LONG and grueling process that we have to go through, plus a lot of prerequisites that we have to complete first. Essentially, my Gold Award took me TWO years to complete.
What did I do??? I introduced the ARTS to Pre-School Children. For one month I worked with four and five year olds, at Englewood United Methodist Church. I wrote a script, and worked with the kids on rehearsing it to make it into a production. We made costumes, sets, and in the end...because so many were leaving to head to Kindergarten, WE ended up making a MOVIE!!! We made the play into a movie!! The kids had so much fun!!! It was so rewarding to see them have fun with the arts!!! Introducing them to something that they may or may not have been exposed to yet. I was awakening the creativity in them, and hopefully, now that they are third grade....I HOPE that they are able to have the experience in the arts that I had growing up.
I read this article, and it's about creativity in the place of education. Looking at my school, I am in a Liberal Arts College. I like the education I am receiving. I have the choice to choose what classes I want to do, and I have the choice of what professor I'd like to have...(at least for some classes). I feel that being at a Liberal Arts College, although education is important, I feel like the environment I am in, is more relaxed. I feel less pressure on the classes, I myself know the importance, but I don't feel like it's the most important thing in the world. What's important is doing what you need to do, to get where you want to get in your life. Education is just one part of it. My cousins Candice and Jessica both went/go to "Ivy League" schools. Candice went to Vanderbelt University, and my cousin Jessica is a Junior at Duke. They are getting a college education just like me. It doesn't matter what the name is, it's all about what's best for you.
Creativity is important, I just believe it gives everyone an enhanced life. It adds new experiences to life...and life is worth living to the fullest. I just think that a creative education is important.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Orchestra Concert!!!
Music is expressed in so many ways: band, orchestra, ballet, musicals, and everyday life...musical groups and composers. When I was 12 years old, I went down to Branson, Missouri with my mom, grandma, and church. I saw Soji Tabouchi perform at his amazing theatre, his Violin. He was spectacular, he could play the violin with it behind his head and back!!! It was an amazing show.
At the University of Northern Colorado, we have an amazing music program. I've got many friends who I know are vocal majors, or are majoring in musical composition. Everyone at this school is so talented. Tonight, February 9, 2009, I went to the Union Colony Civic Center (UCCC) to see the UNC Symphony Orchestra perform. They were spectacular.
There were three parts to tonight's program.
The first performance was focused on pianos. The two people who played were Lei Weng and Jonathan Bellman. The two of them sat across from each other each at their on grand piano, and they played together as the orchestra accompanied them. It was so neat to see. Each pianist had their own style. Jonathan was more relaxed as he played. He played very focused and relaxed. It was interesting to see them both play. I personally gravitated towards watching Lei Weng play more. I loved his style. He was so passionate as he played. He was really active as well. He played with the music, flowing each hand movement with another. It was like watching a painter paint each stroke as it flowed into another painting at last a masterpiece. I was watching him play, wishing I had continued playing. I started to play the piano when I was seven years old. I was being taught by a close family friend. Donna Dunkle, taught me for like five years, and then she quit doing lessons, because she needed to spend more time with her family. I was learning with her, how to play mostly by ear, and then when I changed to the new piano teacher, I had a rude awakening. She wanted me to play only with music. I didn't like her much, and instead of getting better I got worse. I finally found a great teacher who had a great balance between ear and sight training, but then college came, and here I am. As I sat and watched the first performance, I couldn't help but feel my mind painting a picture of what the music really truly was me.
The second performance was also really neat! A Sophomore girl, named Natalie Padilla, was the soloist for this number. She was amazing!!! I was just in awe at her performance. She was playing a Concerto that hasn't been performed since 1890. It was written, piece by piece, and then when the last bit was added, it was disliked by many...because "it didn't flow or fit" WELL...finally that has changed. Tonight, we the audience had the pleasure to see it performed. Natalie, had won a Concerto competition in her Freshman year, and so this year, she was given this opportunity! She was the first Freshman to ever win the competition!!! She is amazing, I was watching her play her violin and I could not believe it. Some parts of the concerto was incredibly fast and it was just exciting to see her play so quickly, and manipulate the violin to play the higher notes when needed. Natalie did something that I liked in Lei Weng. I liked that she too moved with the music. She played and you could see the passion and the excitement she has. You can tell that playing the violin is really important to her, and the way she played was expressed even more with how she let the music itself affect her. That's how I feel about dancing. I love to dance, letting the music and the movement over take me, and I like to dance with passion. It's hard in classes...but once it's rehearsals, it's much easier to just dance in the moment. I feel that that's what she was doing, playing in the moment, and living in the moment. The concerto was so beautiful, and it was such a treat to see her as the soloist. I KNOW that she's going to have a spectacular future with whatever she decides to do.
The last performance we saw this evening was Symphony No. 8 in G Major, Op. 88 by Antonin Dvorak. This symphony was very alive. It had it's subtle, calm, and quiet moments, but it was also very loud and dominating. I was just enjoying the music, looking at everyone playing, when a question hit me. There was no on on the stage playing left handed. Like...Everyone held the violin with their left hands and then used the bow with their right hands. My question was "What about those who are left handed? Do they have to learn to play right handed like that?" It was a weird thought, but watching the violinists I remembered, my good friend, Lauren Carpenter who played the violin. She was in Orchestra starting in Elementary School...then Middle School, and into High School. I remember she was opposite from everyone...but then again I could have just made that up. I was curious...because even everyone on the Cellos used the bow in their right hands. YES, it gave a very uniformed look, but at the same time, I just wondered. :) In this last performance of the UNC Symphony Orchestra, I noticed it the MOST, how even the whole Orchestra ITSELF becomes one. They were moving with the music, all together! They were playing and it was just so neat to see! They were ALL TOGETHER! I realize that that's very important with performing music like they do, just like dance. You need everyone to dance in unison otherwise it looks weird and off. I just was fascinated at watching them playing and seeing everything down to the last string of the bow in unison. I did this activity in my Improv class last semester, where we (actors) walked around the room. We just walked and moved with a purpose, but we HAD to stop together. WE as a class had to read each other to figure out when the moment was that we were all going to stop. It was really neat! We then did it in smaller groups, and we walked around in a circle, and had to stop as a group, we did the same with running. It was fascinating to see it WORK!!! Watching the orchestra play like that, reminded me of the class.
The whole night was such a joy to get to see! I haven't gotten to go to the Symphony since I was in 5th grade. I am more inclined to go to the ballet, but this was enjoyable. It was so neat to see familiar faces of people that I've seen around Frasier (The college of Performing and Visual Arts building) and campus. I had a great time tonight, and know that I will probably see another Symphony in the future!!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Creations on Creating
He is asked on how he composes a symphony...if he has a special program in view. He says that, that's a hard question to answer.
This is like asking an actor, if they have a specific way that they play a character. AND in some cases an actor does. They are the type of character who just reacts what he has rehearsed. A good actor, is someone who uses his talents, knowledge of the playwrights intents, the overall storyline, he takes in to consideration all the components to form the right character. WHICH should change nightly, depending on the reactions of his fellow actors that night, and the reactions of the audience. There is no specific program or idea in mind. It just sort of develops.
Tchaikovsky says, "Even in the works of the greatest master we find such moments, when the organic sequence fails and a skillful join has to be made, so that parts appear as a completely welded whole." This is interesting, in the sense, that just like in live theatre there are moments where a fellow actor may jump a line or miss an entrance and you have to work as a team to overcome the speed bump and move on. Tchaikovsky says a lot of things that really make a lot of sense. "The only music capable of moving and touching us is that which flows from the deapth of a composer's soul when he is stirred by inspiration. There is no doubt that even the greatest musical geniuses have sometimes worked without inspiration." It is facinating to watch a mater at their to speak. When I am passionate about a certain character I am portraying, or a specific play that I am writting, I realize that I have a lot os inspiration for what I am doing. Some of the most memorable symphanies are brought on by some sort of passion and inspirtaion moment. When I watch Swan Lake; the Ballet or the Nutcracker, also a Ballet, you always hear those CLASSIC musical pieces that are danced to on stage. Without those classic songs, it's just a ballet, but those instead were brought on by some sort of inspiration and in the end made a ballet that won't ever be forgotten. Although, there are moments where there is no inspirtaion or I like to think of writers block, things can still be formed. There are always going to be hard moments when composing ANYTHING, and in the need to be "NATUALLY PATIENT." Everything comes in the right time.
Everything is written for a reason. In the play, The Elephant Man, the playwright specifically says to not put the actor playing John Merrick in any kind of Prostetics. He wants the actor to portray the Elephant Man, by just imitating the body stance and voice...he doesn't want to audience to see this "grusome" character. HE wants them to paint their own image of what the Elephant Man truly looked like. In the movie, David Lynch, ignored all of the "wishes" and placed the Elephant Man in all kinds of make-up and prostetics. In the just wasn't the same. That's like saying if, "it were played with the bow, it would lose all it's charm and be a mere body without a soul..." In composition, everything is written for a SOUL purpose.
The "gifts" for composing a symphany in his eyes, "have yet reached their ultimate development." He is saying that an artists talents don't ever die. You really never stop learning. As an actor and an artist, you continually have to be open to things around you. You are never done learning how to act or how to compose. There are always going to be things that impact you, things that you feel will inspire you, and if you think that you have reached your peak, then you haven't truly learned. It is said that, some of the "super star actors" still bring acting coaches with them on sets of movies, to help them find even more inspiration, then they already have for the paticular character that they are conveying. It's just really interesting that everyone has their own way of doing things.
Education and the World we Make It
I see that it is important. I mean, with out a solid education what kind of job are you going to be able to get? At least...that is the thoughts of most parents today. I read this article about the uses of liberal education; like what education is seen as, and then how people who may not be able to afford much survive.
In the classroom, a teacher has a lot of responsibilities. They have to teach a classroom of students information that is one: needed for the class, two: possibly needed for a career path, and three: they are possibly teaching a skill that is meant to progress the lives of the individuals. A teacher has a tough job, because they have to keep the students drawn in to the discussion in hopes that the student will learn something and not want to let the droll collect on their desk, because they've fallen asleep. I know...being a student is hard too. You've got to place aside all the trials and tribulations that you are experiencing in your life, long enough to get something out of the class. It's important for us as students to do well in classes, because we may need a good grade in this particular class so that we may be able to get into a program: nursing or teaching, etc.
The article I read mentioned different types of students. The person who wrote is says, "Whether the students are sorority/fraternity types, grunge aficionados, piercer/tattooers, black or white, rich or middle class....On good days they display a light, appealing glow; on bad days, shuffling disgruntlement. But there's little fire, little passion to be found." I think that this is saying that no matter the generation, race, or society class...all students are going to have good and bad days in class. Days where it's like just amazing, and everyone got everything and days where it's like pulling teeth. As I continued to read the article it asks what influences students to lose passion, and the answer? They blame it on the 100 plus channels that are on the TV today. They blame it on the numerous Blockbuster outlets, shopping centers, etc. Thinking about that, I see that those are very plausible reasons. I know that if I have a day, where I am just no enthusiastic to HAVE to go to class, I'm tired all day, and all I want to do is sleep, watch TV, eat junk food, and be lazy.
The author then talks about when he goes to other schools, it not any different then his own school. He runs into the same things. "When I visit other schools to lecture, I see a similar scene unfolding. There are of course, terrific students everywhere. And they're all the better for the way they've had to strive against the existing conformity." AND that is completely true. One, yes of course, you'll find the same things at the different schools, but in a way education is a mandatory act that everyone has to do. As much as we as a society try not to conform to the societal means...there's never a way to escape it. It's always going to be there following you. "But overall, the students strike me as being sweet and sad, hovering in a nearly suspended animation." WE as students are suspended in air until we achieve what is needed of us.
There is always a question asked: What about those who can't afford an education? It's the people who are "poor" or "jobless" even "homeless." YES, there are ways of figuring things out, and you're able to somehow get an education, but poverty in America is also an important issue. Sometimes, there are children in at risk families...and these are the children who will be lucky if they even finish high school. Where I am from, about 25 minutes from my house is another city. This city is where I go to church, and where I have gone to church my whole life. This city is also where, there is a high level of high risk families. It may be that a parent is in jail or a family has enough money to place their children in day care to make sure they are safe, but not enough money to provide Christmas presents or a solid home, because they may not have the money to pay the bills. With today's economic's easy to see what our communities can come to.
In the second part of the article, to me, i saw that the author was reaching out to the at risk communities and were trying to get them to see that they want to strive for a different life. "You've been cheated. Rich people learn the humanities; you didn't. The humanities are a foundation for getting along in the world, for thinking, for learning to reflect on the world instead of just reacting to whatever force is turned against you. I think the humanities are one of the ways to become political, and I don't mean political in the sense of voting in an election but in the broad sense." THIS quote explains that the author feels that without a good education in certain standards, that people are unable to fully know how to live a good life. Someone may be to scared to speak their mind, but if they are educated then they will be able to speak their mind and be able to live a prosperous life. "If you want real power, legitimate power, the kind that comes from the people and belongs to the people, you must understand politics. The humanities will help." THIS IS SO TRUE, plain and simple. Basically, this articles shows that anyone and everyone can get an education, and with that education they will succeed. The person just has to want it.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
We Become Our Names
Some people are born to be teachers, others are born to be doctors, and once in a while some special person is born to be our country’s Commander in Chief. I was born for stardom.
It all started at the age of three and a half. My mom put me into dance class in the hopes that I’d socialize with other kids my age. I’m an only child, and my parents were determined to teach me independence; not to expect to be handed life on a silver platter. I would say they succeeded. I am independent and very social. I had to work for things that I wanted. They were not ever given to me.
I realized that I was meant for stardom after 15 years of dance recitals and choir concerts. I realized that being in the movies, working in film and television was for me when I found out how I got my name: Jennifer Lynn So. I am named Jennifer after my dad’s favorite actress, Jennifer O’Neill. The name “
When I was just six years old, I played the role of a reporter for a church function. It was the annual Christmas show, and I was interviewing Prince Charles. At that moment, I realized that I liked acting. In elementary school and middle school, I was more involved with theatre. It was an exciting activity for me, and something I loved. That passion continued to grow. By the time I reached college, I knew that I wanted a career in Film and Television.
I strongly believe that you become your name, and there have been many events over the course of my life, that have shown me that I am meant to be doing what I am doing. A persons name is their identity. My friend Rachel has a cat named, Sassy, and she tells me that Sassy gets even sassier as she grows. Names in the Chinese culture within a family have similarities. In the Chinese culture, your name is opposite that of
My Grandparents, on my dad’s side, gave me my Chinese name. When I was eight years old, I went back to
It was like a debate, everyone was sharing their thoughts and opinions, but it was not until my cousin Kyna said, “How about So Tin Mei,” did the discussion end.
“So Tin Mei,” said my Dad. “I really like it.”
My dad then thought about the name, and decided that it was perfect for me.
We become our names. I have met Will Smith, and I have seen Adam Rodriguez, Kal Penn, and Eva Longoria. It was 2008, and one of the biggest Presidential elections was underway. I saw Adam, Kal, and Eva at a rally speaking for Obama. At the time, I had no idea who I was going to vote for, but I was listening to everyone and their sides of things, so that I may finalize my choice. About a month later, Will Smith was in

I am determined to make it in film and television, and it is events like the rally, the promoting of the movie, and the fact that I’m named after an actress; that I embrace to help me succeed. I am becoming my name, an actress. Each component of a name builds you as a person. Each part of your name represents importance. It’s just up to you to discover who you are meant to be.