Definition. Life really is defined by meanings. I feel like everything that is present in this world has some sort of definition. At the same time, there is no right or wrong definition for things. Everyone has their own opinion, and their opinion is their own; no one can say that what they think is wrong.
CREATIVITY: I believe creativity is what we as humans use to express ourselves. When children are in pre-school they express themselves through the way the may finger paint or color a picture in a coloring book. I love to paint pottery. I think that painting pottery is one: relaxing, and two: freeing. You can paint whatever you want on a plate, bowl, or cup. You can paint figurines like fairies or dragons and make them the way you want to see them. I love painting pottery to express my personality. Creativity is expression. There is not wrong or right way to express something. Whether it's through a song, a play, a novel, or even pottery, everything has it's own expression and it's own meaning. You just have to be open enough to see it.
IMAGINATION: Imagination is every kids playground. It's the pretending that you can fly, that you're a superhero, that you're even an animal. Pretending that you're in outer space or that you're witches in a magical world. I really enjoy seeing kids imagine where they are at and what they are. It's great to see, because they are so passionate about their worlds. Imagination is also portrayed in art and in the world of a play. Sometimes the play is abstract and imagination is needed by the audience to see what the author wanted to express. Even as adults we are subject to use our imaginations. Whether we are playing with little kids or if we're looking at a abstract art piece. Imagination is what keeps you young; that's why the movie, "Peter Pan" is one of my favorite Disney movies. Who wouldn't want to be a child forever in a fantasy land called, "Neverland?" We all are young at heart.
CULTURE: Culture is really important. Without culture the world would not exist. I think that culture is the most important thing. It follows one's heritage. For me, I am half Asian and half Caucasian. Culture to already mixed. I have family in Hong Kong and Iowa. I am used to seeing different cultures and different people. I love to experience what are the TO DO'S in cultures. I'm one for trying new things. Dim Sum and all sorts of Chinese Food. I love learning about different cultures. Cultures are the pictures of the world. People in different cultures live in the different pictures. A populated city like Hong Kong is filled with lots of taxis, people, and tall sky scraper buildings. Everyone is on a cell phone and dressed to the latest fashions. The food is the most authentic Chinese Food ever! It's not durty, but clean, and even though Hong Kong is on a 10 mile radias piece of land, it's very modern and facinating. Culture is different everywhere in the world, but as long as people are open minded, we all get along.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautifully descriptive: "Cultures are the pictures of the world. People in different cultures live in the different pictures."
Nice work!
Thank you! :) I truly believe it too! :D